White Sandalwood (Santalum album L.) belongs to the family santalaceae which is most precious timber wood worldwide. Though it is wild species since ancient time of human civilization, now, it has become a domesticated culture in tropics and subtropics world. Indeed there are more than seventy species under the genus Santalum in the world but, Santalum album, an indigneous white sandal species is the best one in the globe. Its immense beneficial uses attracted the present days Scientist’s to draw their special attention for the mass propagation of this precious timber plant around the globe as and where it is adapted. Keeping all these views in mind we have started a venture to undertake the adaptation problem and to study the environmental as well as edhapic factors from the gardens of Nepal and India. Seedlings were grown in different gardens of Nepal and India providing them uniform agronomical measures or their proper growth and development. All the Phenotypiccharacters viz plant height (cm), Branches per plant (no), basal girth (cm), leaf length (cm) and leaf breadth (cm) were critically studied in each garden year wise. It is mentioned here that six types of plant species were selected for its propagation in all those gardens. The types of plants have been mentioned in this text of the paper. From the experiment it is evident that very good responses towards growth and development though there was a variation in soil environment. The qualitative aspects were also studied from the forest garden of both the countries. In this case we followed the model as proposed by Comstock and Robinson (1952a) for enumerate the stability analysis as well as GEI interaction of the crop over the environments.
The aims and objectives of this study were to observe the pattern of growth and development of different types of the genus prevailing over the location. The GEI interaction data and their peculiarity over the location has been cited in this context.