A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of the developed Natural Herbal Formulation Natural guard (reg no Ty AM 50106084.8409-2019 in Armenia) to replace the uses of antibiotics and growth promoters (AGP) in the feed. The objective is to improve the overall performance of swine including growth. Naturalguardcontains three natural essential oils, Pine oil, Eucalyptus oil and Lavender oil. Natural guard was mixed into the feed with 0.2% concentration. A total of 80 pigs in two groups were selected for the trial. Dietary of Natural Guard did not affect (P>0.05) the blood biochemical parameters. At the end of the experiment, Natural guard group swine gained 7 kg (12.28%) higher body weight compared to control. Feed intake did not differ (P>0.05) in both control and Natural guard groups. The feed efficiency data show ED that the dietary Natural Guard achieved lower FCR in swine (P<0.05) 19.22% as compared to the control. The current trial outcome showed that the Natural guard has the potential to replace the uses of antibiotics and growth promoters (AGP) in swine feed.