Lantana camara is belongs to the family of Verbanaceae.Lantana camara is one such notorious weed which is affecting ecosystem and causing biodiversity loss at greater extent. It is highly invasive and currently occupies a large percentage of the vegetation cover wherever it was introduced. But, Lantana camara is well known to cure several diseases and used in various folk medicinal preparations. In last few decades, scientist and researchers around the globe have elaborately studied the chemical composition of whole plant of L. camara as well as biological pharmacological activities. Different parts of the plants are used in the treatment of cold, headache, chicken pox, eye injuries, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis and arterial hypertension. Among the large number of herbal drugs existing in India, very few have been studied systematically so far. Lantana camara is an evergreen plant found throughout India. Traditionally it has been used in treating various ailments and they were supported by scientific data’s. Various literatures have reported the phytoconstituents present in all parts of Lantana camara. This article reviews the pharmacological activities and toxicology of Lantana camara. Systemic analysis of these plants provides a variety of bioactive molecules for development of newer pharmaceutical product. Recently, there is a growing interesting the pharmacological evaluation of various plants used in different traditional system of medicine.