Introduction: Anxiety in children and adolescents is a major concern as they become more complex and intense with children's transition into adolescence.It is very important to identify the problems at earliest age; hence the investigator felt there is need to “assess prevalence of anxiety among adolescents in selected PU College Bangalore”.
1. To assess the prevalence of anxiety among adolescents in selected PU college.
2. To find out the association between level of Anxiety with selected socio-demographic variables.
Methods: Non-experimental descriptive Survey research design was adopted for the present study. 200 adolescents were recruited by non-probability purposive sampling method. Spence children’s anxiety scale was used for assessing anxiety. The study was conducted at V.V. Puram PU College, Bangalore.
Results: The result shown that 35% of adolescentshad elevated level of anxiety.The mean anxiety score was 31.82 ± 4.89. There was no significant association found between Anxiety with age, sex, religion, class, educational qualification of Father, educational qualification of mother, Occupation of Father, Occupation of mother and Monthly family income.
Conclusion: The study concludes that adolescents are risk for behavioural problems mainly anxiety.