Introduction: Diabetic bladder dysfunction is one of the most bothersome and common complications of diabetes mellitus. The exact incidence in diabetic patients is uncertain, as unselected patients generally are asymptomatic. If investigated, up to 50% may report symptoms of voiding dysfunction. This study demonstrates the importance of urodynamic studies in evaluating voiding dysfunction in diabetics before initiation of therapy and to study the relationship between diabetic voiding dysfunction and vesico sphincteric behaviour with the aid of urodynamics
Materials And Methods: Diabetic patients presenting with voiding dysfunction to the Department of Urology in Govt. Kilpauk Medical College Hospital and Govt. Royapettah Hospital from February 2014 to february 2015 . A total of 64 diabetic patients with various voiding problems were evaluated.
Results: Among 64 patients, 51 patients were found to have positive outcomes. Thus 79.6
% patients had atleast one of the urodynamic diagnoses. Most common age group were 60- 69 years. Majority of patients had voiding LUTS (35) followed by storage LUTS(29). Duration of diabetes was not statistically significant. By statistical analysis there was no correlation of age & gender with bladder contractility index.but there was a strong correlation between patient complaints and bladder contractility indexAlso there was strong correlation between duration of diabetes and BCI.
Conclusion: Since there is a plethora of urodynamic outcomes in diabetic patients irrespective of the symptoms, urodynamics plays a valuable role in management of these patients. The practice of urodynamics before treatment in these patients can avoid unnecessary surgeries and treatment failures.