Speed is an important component of most sports and running speed is vital in both team and individual sports. Maximal running speed is depend on running technique, stride length and rate, force capabilities, and production of power and impulse. Stride length and Stride frequency is influenced by the leg explosive strength and both are considered as the most influential factors to determine speed.The purpose of this study was to find out the relation between the explosive strength and the sprint performance for school going boys of 15+ to 16 yrs. of age. Two teams were selected for a football match and each team comprises with 15 students. During this 30 minutes matchconsidering the resting heart rate, that has earlier taken and the maximum heart rate, 20 students were selected fromSauriBholanathVidyamandir (H.S), District PaschimMedinipur.Explosive strength was measured by Standing Broad Jump and the sprint performances were measured by 50mtr. and 100mtr. sprint. A significant moderate co-relation was found between explosive strength and sprint performance. From the present study this may be concluded that the explosive strength may be used to determine the speed in athletics.