Aspiration is something, which we desire or want in our life. We can say that aspiration is a fantasy world which is always different from real world `Level of Aspiration' is a psychological construct which reflects a cognitive type of motivation of the individual. Frank defines it in terms of the level of future performance in a familiar task which an individual, knowing his level of past performance in that task explicitly undertakes to reach. Present study aim is to study the Educational Aspiration Level of Government And Private Secondary School Students. For the present study a sample consisted of 200 Students of 9th class students from Secondary schools situated in Sirsa District of Haryana State was taken. 100 students from Government Secondary School situated in rural area and 100 students from Private Secondary Schools Students situated in Urban area were taken and descriptive survey method was used. In the present study results shows that the educational aspiration of boy students are better than girl students because the mean value of boys is greater than girls students and the educational aspiration of Private Schools students are better than Govt. School students because the mean value of Private Schools students is greater than Govt. Schools Students. Educational aspiration of Urban Schools students are better than Rural Schools Students because the calculated 't' value are more than the standard table value at both levels of table value at both levels of significance i.e. at 0.05 & 0.01 level. The mean value of Urban Schools students is greater than mean value of Rural Schools Students.