Introduction:In India every year approximately 3.2 million admissions occur in ICU out of which 80% patients are in comatose stage with mortality of 48000 are Reported. It is essential for Nurses to have adequate knowledge on GCS scale while caring for unconscious patients. Aim of the study is to assess knowledge and attitude of staff nurses regarding Glasgow coma scale before and after planned teaching programme.
Methods: Using a Quasi experimental design 30 staff nurse was selected using simple random sampling technique from Shree sardar Smarak hospital. Knowledge was Assessed using structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude was assessed with 5 point Likert scale.
Results: In Analysis the mean Post-test Knowledge score was significant at 0.05 level
[P<0.05] .Post test attitude score was significant at 0.05 level [P<0.05]. Knowledge and attitude was positively correlated [r = 0.7]. Hence it was proved that the planned teaching programme was effective.
Discussion: The study result concluded, that the planned teaching was effective in improving the knowledge and attitude of staff nurses under study. The findings can Not be generalized since the sample size was small.