Background- Anatomy is an important subject in medical sciences. It has been considered the foundation of medicine for hundreds of years and this view is supported by clinicians, students and general public.
Methods- A cross-sectional study was carried amongst the 2ND and 3rd year MBBS students. The students were contacted at a suitable, available time. The purpose of the study was explained and participation was voluntary. Two hundred anonymous, pre-designed and pre-validated questionnaires containing close and open ended questions were distributed randomly amongst the students.
Results- A majority of the students, 198(99%) found anatomy to be an important subject in MBBS curriculum and a further 195 (97.5%) felt it is an interesting subject, whereas a mere 2 (1%) did not find anatomy important and 5 (2.5%) did not find it interesting.
Conclusion- The learners agree that anatomy is a core subject and its fundamental role in medical curriculum is undisputed. The traditional teaching and learning (T/L) methods like blackboard teaching, dissection and lectures are preferred by the newer generation learners also and should be integrated with newer teaching modalities and modern technology.