Steel braced frame is one of the structural systems used to resist earthquake loads in multistoried buildings. Many existing reinforced concrete buildings need retrofit to overcome deficiencies to resist seismic loads. The use of steel bracing systems for strengthening or retrofitting seismically inadequate reinforced concrete frames is a viable solution for enhancing earthquake resistance. Steel bracing is economical, easy to erect, occupies less space and has flexibility to design for meeting the required strength and stiffness. In the present study, the seismic study of conventional x brace, zipper brace and SBS in steel and composite structures using ETABS software is investigated. The bracing is provided at each corner. A G+6, G+12 and G+18 story with 6 bay in x direction and 3 bay in y direction is analyzed using ETABS. The effectiveness of various types of steel bracing is examined. The effect of the distribution of the steel bracing along the height of the structures on the seismic performance of the rehabilitated building is studied. Provision of conventional x braced, zipper braced and SBS is provided in each stories. The percentage reduction in lateral displacement is found out. It is found that for the steel and composite structures, deformation value is lower for zipper braced frame and base shear value is lower for SBS with double spring bracing.