Cloud computing is a prominent emerging data interactive pattern, which helps in online storing the data in the cloud server. Cloud services make available for the users to get beneficiated in the form of accessing, storing data in the cloud. In large organizations, the data sharing may be in a collaborative manner and thus sharing of the data becomes more important to achieve the benefits. Proving of data security over the cloud becomes more challenge when data may be accessed by all group members. Therefore need to focus on the authentication which must be provided to have a legal access to private data. The existing different issues are privacy, authentication, and data access permissions. To overcome these issues, we proposed Secured Data Sharing with Privacy as a Group in Cloud Computing (SDSPG). In this paper, more importance is given to the data access permissions on the basis of whether the data is public or private. SDSPG mechanism is proposed to save timings by assigning sharing and authentication to the individual users. It provides more security and privacy thus to increase efficiency and effectiveness of CPU utilization, access time and energy of the file.