Pigeon droppings are potential environmental source of yeast Cryptococcus neoformans which, if inhaled may lead to a life threatening disease known as cryptococcosis. Since Chandigarh is rich in flora and fauna with abundance of pigeons, it is important to assess the prevalence of cryptococcus in pigeon droppings of this region. Sixty-one samples of dried and old pigeon droppings were collected from different sectors in Chandigarh. Using standard culture techniques, 37.7% of the samples (23/61) were found to be positive for the genus Cryptococcus spp. comprising of C. neoformans 17 (27.87%), C. gatti 4 (6.56%), C. laurentii 1 (1.64%). One (1.64%) sample was positive for both C. neoformans and C. gattii. With a moderate prevalence in city, the yeast positivity surprisingly was maximum in droppings collected from hospital area (62.5%). Hospital areas therefore, should be a priority for pigeon control authorities to prevent infection spread.