The paper focused on the perception of the pupil teacher and the teacher educators dealing with the Two Year B.Ed. program. This Two Year B.Ed. Program, based on the curriculum framework brought out by NCTE, is an innovation in the area of B.Ed. curriculum development. In this framework, the course of B.Ed. was made Two Years which is compulsory for every teacher education institutions. This research is descriptive and qualitative in nature. The site of the present research is department of education in renowned university. Being a case study method this research uses purposive sampling technique for data collection. The perception of the 100 pupil teachers were collected through the structured questionnaire and 20 teachers through intensive and focused interviews. The research findings from the detailed analysis of the pupil teacher data suggests that the course is not only time consuming but unbalance in time distribution also. The pupil teachers considered the Two Years B.Ed. as a time consuming process and due to which they lag behind in their career. The findings from the teacher educators reveal that in the overall process the workload of the teacher educators had not only increased but the workload of the teacher dealing with the pedagogy had increased many folds. The detailed analysis leading to many more findings are discussed in detail in the paper.