Aim: to study the effect of contrast bath on grip strength in type II diabtes
Backgroung: DM is a metabolic disorder characterised by high blood glucose level in context of insulin resistance and relative insulin deficiency. Studies on type II diabetes has shown sarcopenia i.e. Loss of muscle mass with age. DM is associated with several musculoskeletal disorder. The pathological hallmark of diabetes mellitus includes the vasculature leading to both micro-vascular and macro-vascular complications which start appearing approximately after 5 years of onset of diabetes It has been established that type 2 diabetes is a risk for functional disability and mobility limitation. Presence of cheiroarthropathy, frozen shoulder, dupuytren’s contracture, trigger finger was observed in diabetic patient. Functional loss starts in a very early stage of type 2 diabetes mellitus and in later stage diabetic polyneuropathy might accelerate reduction in muscle strength. Small muscle wasting of hand in diabetes is bilaterally symmetrical and involves the of thenar and hypothenar Atrophy is most noticeable in first dorsal interossei with loss of normal rounded appearance. Posture of the thumb is altered with increasing muscle weakness.
Objective: To check the grip strength before applying contrast bath in type II Diabetic patients
To assess the grip strength following contrast bath in type II Diabetic patients
Methodology: An experimental study for a duration of 1 year conducted in a metropolitian city on diabetes population with a sample size of 50.grip strength assessment was done with a help of jamar dynamometer.
Results: significant difference was seen in grip strength followed by contrast bath.
Conclusion: This study concluded that contrast bath is effective for improving the grip strength in type II diabetes.