soft tissue facial changes in cases treated with complete fixed functional appliance therapy and bilateral maxillary first premolar extraction treatment in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion. Methods: The sample consisted of 20 patients, divided into two groups. Group 1 comprised 10 patients treated with bilateral extraction of maxillary first premolars with a mean age of 16.90yrs (SD= 3.07). Group 2 consisted of 10 patients treated with fixed functional appliance associated with fixed appliances, with an initial mean age of 17.20yrs (SD=2.04). Soft tissue changes and lower incisor position changes were assessed on pre-treatment, post-treatment and post retention lateral cephalograms of patients. Results: According to the results, there was no inter-group difference regarding the soft tissue changes and lower incisor inclination status. There were a statistically significant proclination and relapse of lower incisors in both groups. However, the lower incisors showed a greater tendency to procline and relapse in the fixed functional appliance group. Conclusion: Both the treatment approaches provided adequate improvement in the facial esthetics but the different treatment methods used in the two groups did not result in any significant soft tissue differences post-treatment. Though not statistically significant, the tendency to procline lower incisors and relapse was greater with fixed functional appliances. Clinical Relevance: This study helps the orthodontist to make a better diagnosis and treatment plan by comparing the soft tissue changes and lower incisor stability with two treatment modalities for correction of the same malocclusion.