Objective: To compare health related quality of life in working and non working post menopausal females using menopausal rating scale.
Background: Menopause means permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity. Age of menopause ranges between 45-55 years of age average being 50 years. Menopause is a part of critical phases of a women life which characterizes the transition from fertility to infertility. MRS is a health related quality of life scale used to assess menopausal symptoms. It was developed with an aim of establishing an instrument to measure QOL that can be easily completed by women. QOL is the general well being of individual societies outlining the positive and negative features of life.
Methodology: 60 women who willingly participated were taken as subjects for this study. Before starting the study, a written informed consent was taken from the selected participants in the language best understood by them. The women were separated into two different categories based on their history; working post-menopausal women and non-working post-menopausal women. The self administered scale, The Menopause rating scale was then administered to all the participants from both the categories to determine the effect on quality of life due to post-menopause. The data was collected. The score was noted and recorded. Data was analysed using statistical test.
Result and Conculsion: Total score was calculated and the results were interpreted. The results showed that there was significant difference between the QOL in working and non working post menopausal females with the psychological domain more affected in working population and the other two domains in non working population than the working ones.