Background: Despite the availability of prevention guidelines and recommendations on infection control, many dental practices lack the minimum requirements for infection control.
Objective: This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding infection control of COVID-19 among the dental health care personals in public institution and private practitioners at Chennai city
Methods: The study population consisted of dentists who worked in public institution and private clinics, hospitals in Chennai. An online and offline questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was comprised of a series of questions about dentists’ demographic characteristics; their awareness of the incubation period, the symptoms of the disease, mode of transmission of COVID-19 and infection control measures for preventing COVID-19; and their attitude toward treating patients with COVID-19.
Results: This study included a total of 550(58.2% females and 41.8% males) participates (dental fraternity) forming a response rate of about 93.2%. The correct incubation period of the virus was recognized by 78.4% of participants. The practice management during COVID-19 pandemic shows that, Dental surgeons(53.3%),dental students(22.9%) and private practitioners (23.8%) are correctly practice donning and doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE) according to CDC guidelines
Conclusion: Dental Surgeons and private practitioners in the present study had good knowledge and positive attitudes regarding infection control than the dental students. Improving dentists’ level of knowledge could be achieved through increasing their accessibility to materials provided by dental health care authorities, which specifies the best and safest approaches for dealing with patients during and after the outbreak.