Aim: Lung cancer is increasing at an alarming rate in India. Although smoking is concerned as the primary cause but non smokers too have been found to be affected by it and besides this it is prevalent in both the sexes. The aim of present study was to determine the clinical utility of MRI thorax in TNM staging and detection of lung Cancer specially stage 3 and stage 4.
Materials and methods: the study was conducted on the patients approaching the Radiology Department of AJ Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore in a period of two years from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2017.The study included 30 participants (N= 30)which were known cases of lung cancer (established and Suspected) referred for MRI. Out of 30 participants 18 were males (60%, N=30) and 12 were females (40%, N=30). (MRI of the Lungs was performed using Siemens Avanto MR Machine and images were analyzed by experts
Results: the efficacy of CT and MRI was evaluated in the assessment of TNM staging in patients with small cell carcinoma. The result showed that CT scan was able to detect more stages of lung cancer than MRI. However, stage IIIB showed an increased diagnosis in MRI whereas the level of diagnosis of stage IIIA and IVA remains identical in both the imaging modalities.
Conclusion: CT and MRI diagnosis gives almost similar data for adenocarcinoma while in small cell carcinoma, CT scan gives more detailed picture of carcinoma with peaks at additional stages.