This study on ‘The rationale of investing in Corporate Social Responsibility Interventions (CSRI) by Sugar companies in Kenya was a survey of companies in Western Kenya. The study was guided by the following research question: - i) what is the rationale of investing in Corporate Social Responsibility Interventions (CSRI) by Sugar companies in Western Kenya? Cross sectional survey design was adopted to investigate a sample of 156 senior staff of Mumias, Chemelil and Sony Sugar companies. Data were collected using questionnaires and interview guide that were self administered. Non probability sampling
was used while descriptive statistics applied in analyzing data. The study revealed that practicing of CSRI’s of different kinds as education, health, environmental conservations and cultural programs by sugar companies in western Kenya serves as marketing strategies with positive statistical significance on their financial performance. This study recommended that the sugar companies needed to have sound CRSI policy framework to guide the administration of corporate social responsibility practices. It also recommended that sugar sub sector should have rational expenditure on CSRI to avoid over sacrificing profits and capital; as the use of CSRI should be complemented with other marketing strategies to impact meaningful improvements on profitability and financial performance. This study recommends further research on ‘Corporate Social Responsibility Interventions (CSRI) and its influence on sustainability of Sugar Companies in Kenya’.