This paper examines training (education) in Metal and Jewelry as a contemporary and relevant issue in Nigerian Institutions of higher learning. It defines this discipline as a mode of education in which the learner is separated from the abstract nature of theories and concepts and is facedwith more practical experiences. These practical experiences integrate the intellect, attitude and physical skills of the learner simultaneously into meaningful and productive experience. The study discusses the vast application potentials of the discipline (Metal and Jewelry) and the techniques of its instructional delivery, highlighting the major personal, institutional and structural constraints. There is a dire need for the establishment and institutionalization of a framework for full integration of metal and jewelry as part of the educational landscape of the country considering the impact it has on the range of factors and elements in our daily use.They are often used as objects of worship, objects of adornment; insignias, occupational tools, sport and games trophie, coins,security gargets e.t.c.The use of a variety of media and method of instructions for interest and sustainable development will offer optimal benefit at minimal cost, without compromising qualityand content. In spite of metal and jewelry to the growth of any society and nationevidences abound that the Nigeria government and its institutions of higherlearning are still on theperiphery in realizing the full potentials of this discipline