Aim: To determine phytoconstituents, antioxidant activity and cytotoxic evaluation of the various extracts of bark of B. phoenicea.
Background: Though the advances in modern medicines are significant, there remains an ever increasing demand for herbal medicines. Effective and potent herbal medicines require evaluation by standard scientific methods so as to be validated for the treatment of diseases.
Methodology: Qualitative Phytochemical analysis performed to identify various valuable primary and secondary metabolites. The antioxidant potential and cytotoxic efficacy of bark of B. phoenicea in various extracts were evaluated. All the analysis were done according to standard protocols
Results: The preliminary qualitative analysis of B. phoenicea bark indicated the presence of carbohydrates, starch, sugar, proteins and secondary metabolites like alkaloid, saponin, phenol, steroid and flavonoid. Ethanol and Chloroform bark extract of B. phoenicea showed maximum DPPH scavenging with percentage of inhibition of 99.34% and 91.35% at 600µg/ml. Where as in superoxide activity at 200µg/ml ethanol and chloroform extracts exhibited 94.98% and 84.95%. Coclusion: The findings of this study indicate that this plant is medicinal with prominent antioxidant and cytotoxic property, which may be due to secondary metabolites.