The objective of this study was to analyze the physico-chemical and sensory attributes of bio-yoghurt at different inoculum levels (2, 3, 4 and 5 %) of Bifidobacteriumbifidum (BB12), Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) and combination of these two cultures (1:1 ratio) in short set yoghurt. The milk setting time of bio-yoghurt was decreased by 15 min at 5 % inoculum levels irrespective of the type of probiotic cultures used as compared to control (yoghurt without probiotic cultures). The titratable acidity and syneresis were increased with the inoculum levels for BB12 and combination cultures (BB12 and LA,1:1) but, LA culture has shown decrease in acidity and controlled syneresis as compared to control, irrespective of inoculum levels. The sensory attributes of bio-yoghurt on 9 point Hedonic scale as evaluated by a panel of 5 judges showed maximum scores at inoculum levels of 4 % for BB12 culture and 3 % for LA culture and 4 % for combination cultures of BB12 and LA (1:1). The sensory attributes such as flavor, sourness and overall acceptability of the BB12 culture was higher at 4 % inoculum level, whereas, 3 % inoculum level LA culture showed higher sensory scores for colour and appearance, body and texture and overall acceptability as compared to control. The combination culture (BB12 and LA, 1:1) bio-yoghurt at 4 % inoculum levels showed higher scores for all the sensory attributes as compared to control yoghurt.