Background: India is becoming a diabetic capital (IDRS) of the world. In resource poor country like India, a simple score like Indian Diabetes Risk Score will be of much importance to identify cases for screening for prediabetes and diabetes. In past studies have proved the importance of IDRS in diabetes. Our purpose was to prove the importance and relationship of IDRS with prediabetes.
Methods: 50 subjects of prediabetes were enrolled for this study and pre formed proforma was used to collect the information, data on examination and investigations.
Results: Out of total 50 subjects with prediabetes 19(38%) had IDRS of >50, 23 (46%) had IDRS of 30-50, and 8(16%) had IDRS <30. 8(19.04%) rural pre diabetics and none of urban pre diabetics had IDRS score < 30, 22(28.38%) rural and 1(12.5%) urban pre diabetics had IDRS score 30-50, while 12(28.57%) rural and 7(87.5%) of urban pre diabetics had score of >50 .On examination 48 patients had increased waist circumference , 9 subjects had peripheral neuropathy and 38 subjects had BM I>23 . In biochemical profile 38 subjects had all the three parameters i.e. HbA1C, FBG and IGT deranged, while 38 patients had abnormal HDL and 28 had abnormal fasting TGs.
Conclusion: Indian Diabetes Risk Score is related to prediabetes just like it has been found to be associated with diabetes. More is the IDRS score, the more is the chance of prediabetes and higher is the chance of progression to diabetes. Also IDRS and prediabetes have association with dyslipidemia, HTN, obesity, metabolic syndrome.