Drought tolerance, resistance to diseases like root rot and insect pests like bollworms and aphids makes species G. arboreum well adapt to dry land (rain fed) conditions and low input cultivation practices. Under natural condition, bacterial blight infection, boll yield losses up to 35 % have been reported (Sheo Raj and Verma, 1988). Bacterial blight disease affects the entire aerial parts of cotton plant i.e. necrosis of parenchymatous tissue in the local phase and blockage of xylem vessels in its systemic phase (Casson et al., 1977). Gossypium arboreum cotton genotypes viz., GBav-106, GBav-107, GBav-111, GBav-124, GBav-125, GBav-128, GBav-133, GBav-135, GBav-136, GBav-137, GBav-138, and G.Cot-19 observed as Disease free whereas GBav-123 observed as resistant against the bacterial leaf blight disease.