Forged death certificate unearthed the racket of criminal abortions for feticide

Dheeraj Abhaykumar Binodkumar., Sandeep Kumar Giri., Rupyjoti Medhi and Pankaj Suresh Ghormade

The incidence of maternal mortality in cases of ectopic pregnancy in developing countries is much higher as compared to the developed ones. Identifying and certifying the accurate cause of death is of paramount importance in these cases. Despite of liberal amendments in medical termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act, the practice of illegal abortion in India has not yet been curtailed off. Sex selection of fetus in view of getting rid of unwanted female child is the main reason for such incidences.
We have encountered a case of death due to traumatic rupture of undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy during attempted criminal abortion. The alleged crime was unearthed due to improper illegal death certificate.

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